Please check back every Wednesday for new blog posts!
Girl’s Day
Making the time to count every moment we can spend with those we care about can possibly fulfill our life in ways we can only imagine.
Following the Leader
In order to stay steady and on course when times are tough the blessing having an example of strength to follow can be the one thing that is needed most to lessen our stress.
Be Thankful
This year is not the holiday season that we are all used to but at the same time we need to see the saving grace and the blessings in this trying time to be thankful that with faith we’ll make it through.
Staying Connected
While we are still stuck in the middle of a pandemic I’ve become more aware how important it is to be able to keep a connection with our family members. Although social distancing rules in New York City have begun to relax quite a bit for now we are still not out of the woods in this country.
Paying Homage
I decided to take a moment to look back at the women in my life that have either contribute to shaping the woman I am today or have influenced me in one way of another to be a better me. Their insightful input had also been invaluable in helping raise my children especially with my special needs daughter. This week I would like to pay homage to all these very special women.
Family Unity
For me a family should be a unit of members that act all on one accord for the benefit of all its members. I realize this may not be an easy task for some but putting in the work may count towards success.
My Inspiration
Through all the trails and tribulations of watching my daughter grow, she has inspired me to write her this poem.
Growing Together
When we recognize and build on the strengths of our loved ones it can turn out to be the time when we can see them make the most growth.
Read on to find out why “Reflection” is the perfect title for this week’s blog.
Let’s Celebrate
It is very important to find quality time to celebrate life even in the midst of unprecedented and uncertain times.
Let’s Share
Searching for additional services that will help us support the needs of our loved ones can often take a lot of work on our part. We cannot always wait for the appropriate settings and situations to fall into place.
New Resource
When you are in need of services for your loved one having resources that you can use can make all the difference in getting the results that best serve their needs.
Quality Time
As the saying goes “It’s not always the quantity of time spent but the quality”. Making the most of the time spent with our loved ones can be most beneficial and doesn’t always have to be planned.
The Value of Having Resources
There are a ton of resources to help our loved ones today. “Family Guide to Special Education Services” is one of the first resources I used when helping my daughter.
Building Community
Make an effort to surround yourself with those people that can support you when needed the most.
In The Beginning
This blog will be focused to center around parents and caregivers like me who have a special needs loved one.